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Location: Belle Fourche, South Dakota, United States

I am a widow, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, great aunt, and mischief maker. I enjoy life and my family and friends.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Not a joke

You know the saying about March? "In like a lion, out like a lamb? Well it isn't always true. These pictures were taken on March 29, 2007. I have to say it was fairly warm on the 30th and the snow was starting to melt. There is still snow on the ground although the snow melted off the driveway. You can see we got about 5 0r 6 inches. Had to did out my snow boots to wade to work.

I took the middle picture at the park. They are all dark because it was so overcast and snowing yet on the morning of the 29th.

Saturday night was the high school prom. Parents, grandparents,
and friends are allowed to come watch the 'grand march'. Since I have a grandson who is a Senior, I planned on attending. The
event started at 8:00 PM so I figured if I left at 7:30 I could get
there at 7:40 and be early. My youngest son called at 7:30 and
said I better get there; they were saving me a seat. They arrived at 7:00 and still had to sit in the nosebleed section. The prom participants looked so elegant in their tuxes and formals. Of course some of the girls wore flip flops and some of the guys wore tennis shoes. Brother! When they entered they walked around an Eiffel Tower. Very elegant decorations. I wonder what happens to
the decorations when the prom is over.


Blogger Unknown said...

i can't believe how much snow there is.... you say it but seeing it is more impressive..

i hope you're not thinking of putting the prom decorations up in our cottage?!

6:49 PM  

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