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Location: Belle Fourche, South Dakota, United States

I am a widow, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, great aunt, and mischief maker. I enjoy life and my family and friends.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

True Story

Here is a humorous story. When Sis was visiting over Christmas vacation, she informed me there was a lump under the carpet in the basement. I said it was probably a piece of carpet. I did not want to go check. So I didn't.

A week later one of my daughters-in-law told me the story about the guy who smacked a lump under his carpet to make it flat. [new carpet]. Time went by and a stench arose throughout the house. Went downstairs and checked the 'lump' under the carpet. Lo and behold it was the pet hamster. Poor thing.

Monday night I couldn't sleep. I just knew that some creature had crawled in the basement door when left open [by workmen]. So on Tuesday morning I called Son2 and he said he would come and take care of the 'rodent' problem. I expected them to come that evening. I received a call at work around 1:30 from Son2's wife. She informed me the 'rodent' problem was taken care of. I made a face and asked what it was. After a moments hesitation she said, "A piece of carpet and a rock." Now tell me how I missed those when vacuuming that area! We had a good chuckle and went on about our business.


Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, i could have looked too, but was afraid of what i would find!

5:38 PM  

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