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Location: Belle Fourche, South Dakota, United States

I am a widow, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, great aunt, and mischief maker. I enjoy life and my family and friends.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Reaping Reward From the Garden

I share a garden with my youngest son and his family; he asked me to help him since he had never grown a garden before. [When my boys were growing up, they never had time to help in the garden. They did however, eat the rewards all winter.] The garden is in his back acreage.

This year is our second year gardening together. When it was time to plant in the spring, his two little ones helped; as well as his wife. The children even helped weed. We are talking about a 3 1/2 year old and a 5 3/4 year old. Of course the adults try to make it fun and issue many words of praise and encouragement. Okay.. I seem to be off track a little.
We ate the radishes, peas, and the kohlrabi already. Of course we have been giving away zucchini for several weeks now. It just keeps producing. We are lucky enough that people are actually asking for some. [No sneaking it into cars with open windows at the supermarket this year.]

Last night we started making chokecherry jam. Just as the first pan of cherries was beginning to boil, my ex brought another gallon to their house. We ran out of sure jell, so will finish processing the chokecherry juice tonight. Chokecherries make such good jam.

It is fun teaching my son and his wife how to can. If they had a bigger freezer, we would be freezing food also.

Can you believe that when I first got married at the age of 19 I did not even know how to fry an egg properly. Thank goodness for great cookbooks.

I still like to try out new recipes. After reading the 'The Cat Who...' books, I found a recipe for pasties. The main character was always going to the 'Nasty Pasty' and eating some. They are good. It is amazing the things you can find on the net.

Okay, I am rambling. Time to stop. God Bless.


Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm, you didn't teach your kids to garden, our folks didn't teach either one of us to cook, i didn't teach my kids to cook or sew....hmmmm what is that????

5:29 PM  

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